Six Minute Morning Routine

Six Minute Morning Routine


Six Minute Morning Routine

Are you looking for a quick morning routine that sets you up for the day?
If so, then one that I often follow is taken from the book The Miracle Morning.  How I run it is shared below.
The abbreviated version is 1 minute per action (with six actions in total). I tend to do 2/3 minutes for my abbreviated version.
The longer version can be as long as you want it.
I have set out a sample from the book at the end for 60 minutes. Essentially, you can extend each action for as long as you wish.

Starting The Day
My current morning routine (if it helps) includes:
Waking up
Ignoring my phone
Saying something nice to myself in the mirror
Drinking some water or hot water and lemon (I have never enjoyed tea or coffee so this isn’t about being virtuous (!), please choose your drink of choice, you do you).
Then moving onto the Miracle Morning routine.
The acronym is S.A.V.E.R.S.
I haven’t read the book for a while so this is my summary of the six actions. Please do read the book for an easy read of the explanations, a much wider range of choices and advanced suggestions, and why each action can be powerful.

S – Silence (sitting quietly, meditate, check in with yourself, however you want to do this. An easy way, is to focus on your breathing or perhaps smiling to yourself)
A – Affirmations (what do you need to hear that is positive and tailored to your needs, your commitments. Our subconscious hears everything we say to ourselves, this is a great time to tell ourselves some positives. They also help us towards any goals or changes we want to make. (Some short examples are: I am healthy, I am loved, I am enough, I can do this, I am healing, I love you (to yourself), I am growing, I am worthy, I am deserving, I am confident). Take a look online for a range of affirmations, just be sure there is some belief in it for you. Whilst it often feels a bit uncomfortable when we start to say nice or positive things to ourselves (a shame I know). If it feels far too unlikely to be true or possible, it can be jarring. Tweak as necessary. The book also guides you through creating your own).
V – Visualisation (visualise anything you want to do, be, experience. For example as if you already have it, are it, are doing it. Make it as rich as possible using all of your senses. Or look at your vision board if you have one).
E – Exercise (choose what works for you. If this action is only going to be a minute or two, I tend to use a plank. You can do something more high energy. If extending the time you can do a longer workout, pick and mix some exercises, the choice is yours. This doesn’t necessarily preclude you from doing a different or longer activity later, you can do a minute now i.e. for energy, or a stretch, and something later.).
R – Reading (If you want to get into the habit of daily reading, or learning, or looking for inspiration for new ideas, this can be useful. Since I read most days, and tend to get caught up in a book if I start. If using this time to read, it typically is linked to content that is heavier, and therefore I know I will only do it for short chunks of time.  Typically, I just pull a card and reflect on that, see what ideas or insights it generates, (you can use oracle cards, motivation cards, feeling cards, open a random book at a page, read a poem. Do what feels right for you).
S – Scribing (journalling essentially, this might include writing out your thoughts, writing out any questions you could have of yourself and answering them. Working through some challenges that you are thinking about. By writing it out. We have to slow our thoughts down when we write, which is one the reasons journalling is useful. (Dear Diary as silly as it sounds, can be a useful way to start sometimes as it feels as if we are talking to someone else). I also, if I haven’t done my previous night routine journal entry, write out my gratitudes,  learnings, and any key events, from the day before. I tend to conclude my Scribing with my 5 Current Goals, and my plans for the day (mine tend to cover the three most important work, and three most important personal tasks, for the day).
Sample Routine & Mixing It Up
One sample (taken from the book)  of a longer routine is:
S – Silence (5 minutes)
A – Affirmations (5 minutes)
V – Visualisation (5 minutes)
E – Exercise (20 minutes)
R – Reading (20 minutes)
S – Scribing (5 minutes)
You can also mix up the order of actions if you want.  So for example, if you want to exercise at the end, go for it.
I recommend putting one towards the end that you enjoy, yet perhaps won’t get too lost in. So that you are encouraged to complete the SAVERS.
For example if you put exercising last, that might feel like a great start to the day, plus you don’t want to ‘Read’ when hot and bothered.  However, if you are likely to put Exercise off, perhaps don’t put it at the end because you might be more likely to skip it, or try to convince yourself to come back to exercising later. By picking an action you want to do at the end, it motivates you to do the one you find less interesting, or harder, earlier so to complete the series.
Scribing can be useful to finish off with, if you are including your actions for the day.

In Conclusion

Simple routines like this, can help us create useful habits that form part of our goals (fitness, reduce stress, plan), or support us in being rested, clear, and ready to tackle our day, or move forward towards other goals.

What morning routine works best for you?

p.s. if you want to hear more about meditation, I had an interview with a meditation expert, you can find the recording here.  Fast forward to the end to try a short meditation.

About Simona Hamblet

Simona is a specialist coach & hypnotherapist, working with lawyers for the past six years helping them to create the firms & lives that they want. Simona also has over 20 years of experience as an employment solicitor & partner in a dual-office law firm (focusing on staff development & business growth).

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