Lifestyle Articles for Lawyers

Can we change the way we respond?

Can we change the way we respond? Are we response-able? Do you find the your knee-jerk responses are getting in the way of how you want to be? Here is […]Continue reading

Have you set your festive boundaries?

Have you set your boundaries for the holidays? Do you often return to work in the New Year, feeling frustrated, irritable, and as if you need a break? Do you […]Continue reading

Letting others interrupt our plans for growth

Why do we let others interrupt our plans for personal or firm growth? Have you ever wanted to make a change for yourself or your firm, but kept searching online, […]Continue reading

Time Challenge To Take Control

Are you ready to understand your time challenges and take control? Want to get to grips with your time? Be more productive? Live a more balanced life?   With many […]Continue reading

How Lululemon (a brand) Can Guide Our Client Service

Want to add more to your client experience? (And what has that to do with wanting to be like a yoga/fitness clothing store?) Like you, at some point in your life, I was […]Continue reading

Five great reasons to get a coach

Have you wanted to achieve a goal, to stop putting up with something in your life, or to stop worrying about another year passing and looking back with regrets? If so, […]Continue reading

Perfectionist Coaching Case Study

Perfectionist  Coaching Case Study When we cannot spot why a skill is not being changed. A ‘perfectionist’ case study.   I worked with a senior manager who was receiving negative […]Continue reading

Self-Sabotage vs Procrastination

Self-Sabotage vs Procrastination Following on from the last article on procrastination. A question came up on the distinction between procrastination and self-sabotage. Take a look below as to how self-sabotage […]Continue reading

What Is Procrastination and How Do We Tackle It?

Procrastination is not laziness.  So, what is procrastination and how do we tackle it? Every week, this is the week I will get it done! Then procrastination happens. When we […]Continue reading

Traffic Lights & Successful Thinking

Traffic Lights & Successful Thinking Do you find yourself saying yes to something you wish you hadn’t? Doing something that wasn’t helpful?  Or perhaps find yourself in the company of […]Continue reading

Changing your own working hours? Look to the future.

Changing your own working hours? Consider this. When trying to create a change, such as to the hours we work, we often try to do it instantly, when it seems […]Continue reading

Goals that keep getting stuck & how to complete them

Are your goals/tasks stuck, stopped, or on repeat with stopping and starting? Do you have a goal you aren’t getting very far with? When coaching (clients, or self-coaching) to reach […]Continue reading

Why are items being left (by you) where you don’t want them?

Why are items being left (by you) where you don’t want them? Do you notice some items are not being put away, despite best intentions? And despite them having a […]Continue reading

Are you genuinely annoyed?

Are you genuinely annoyed? Yes of course I am!⁣ ⁣ Truly? ⁣ ⁣ It has been interesting to note, how I have developed a habit of being irritated/annoyed, about certain […]Continue reading

If anger doesn’t create change, what does?

Is there a better way to create change when we are angry? Are you really angry with someone, for not being who you want them to be? For not meeting […]Continue reading

Do People Walk On Eggshells Around You?

Is this you? What might it look like? 1. A person known for being grumpy, authoritarian, or difficult. With previous comments, or even complaints. Often getting away with it as […]Continue reading

Simona Hamblet & Guests – Interviews June 2020

Did you miss any of the June interviews?⁣⁣⁣ You can catch up with them below: ⁣⁣⁣ Thanks again to: Sound Meditation & Healing – Why bother? What is it?: What […]Continue reading

Black Lives Matter

#BlackLivesMatter I was finding it hard to know what to say about such a big topic, and how to best approach it, as a white person. I hope, for what […]Continue reading

Simona Hamblet & Guests – Interviews May 2020

Did you miss any of the May interviews?⁣⁣⁣ We were talking about Releasing Food Obsession, Being More Of You, & Busting Meditation Myths.⁣⁣⁣ You can catch up with them below: […]Continue reading

Six Minute Morning Routine

Six Minute Morning Routine Are you looking for a quick morning routine that sets you up for the day? If so, then one that I often follow is taken from […]Continue reading

5 Easy Habits That Take Less Than A Minute (& Make A Big Difference)

5 Easy Habits That Take Less Than A Minute (& Make A Big Difference) Here are five simple habits that make a big difference. (You may also enjoy reading the […]Continue reading

Living, playing, working from home. What is your next step?

Is it time to start planning? Have you been in a holding pattern? Like many, I was waiting to see what the announcement on Sunday would bring. And with that, […]Continue reading

Biz Tip – Taking A Break

Are you feeling guilty about taking a break this Easter Weekend? I wanted to share a few thoughts on working, and guilt, as we come up to the long weekend. […]Continue reading

Biz Tips – One Sticker One Focus

One Sticker One Focus & Three Simple Tips For Your To-Do Lists Have you used the Hunter or Kanban method in your business or personal life? If not, here is […]Continue reading

Doing Nothing – Does It Make You Feel Uncomfortable?

Doing nothing or having fun – Do you ever feel bad about it? Do you feel guilty if you think about doing nothing? Do you worry about being thought of […]Continue reading

Biz & Life Tip – Appreciation & Recognition : Are You Comfortable?

Appreciation & Recognition : Are You Comfortable? If we mostly give our pets, our children, our attention when they misbehave. What are they likely to do to get connection and […]Continue reading

11 Tips for The Everyday Art Of Successful Negotiation

Negotiation Skills – 11 Top Tips and Takeaways At a recent talk, Derek Arden, negotiation specialist and author, shared his top tips for successful negotiations, in all areas of our […]Continue reading

Loss of the full stop. What change makes you angry? What could you do?

One woman’s tale….the loss of the full stop – anger, judgment, and resolution (almost) Feeling outraged at a change in the world? Your business, home, or a differing view? Do […]Continue reading

Rules At Christmas – Some Festive Wisdom

Rules at Christmas As we go into the holidays, we tend to put a lot of pressure on the experience. This is true for all holidays but this one has […]Continue reading

Making December Count – What Are Your Goals?

Making December Count For Your Goals Do you sometimes find that the New Year comes around, and some goals or changes you wanted, still need to happen? What if this […]Continue reading

Five (Physical) Things To Declutter Before Christmas

Five things to Christmas Declutter as you go….. As we approach Christmas, it is a great time to declutter as we go. We often handle items we don’t use the rest […]Continue reading

Top Tips For Creating A Lovely Christmas (For You)

Creating a Lovely Christmas For You – A Different Approach When was the last time you thought about what you would like Christmas (or any other important day), to feel […]Continue reading

Top Tips For Staying Decluttered In The Sales

Top Tips For Staying Decluttered In The Sales Spending in the sales, and at Christmas –  It’s not a good deal, if you don’t need it. And for those, that […]Continue reading

Creating Space – Five Needed Gaps In Your Diary

Creating Space – How do we stop ourselves from becoming overwhelmed and exhausted through our diaries? The need for space. A little while ago I hit a Friday and knew […]Continue reading

Is a work-life balance, inspiring you, or causing stress?

Ditching the work-life balance Is a focus on creating a work-life balance, inspiring you, or causing you to feel stressed? If thinking about work-life balance is causing you stress, then […]Continue reading

What Makes You Happy – Finding Your ‘Thing’

What Makes You Happy – Finding Your ‘Thing’ What lights you up?   Trying to find your happy, your purpose, your thing, isn’t necessarily that easy.   I say this […]Continue reading

10 Top Tips for To-Do Lists

10 Top Tips for your To-Do Lists (Try saying that ten times quickly) Are your To-Do lists out of control? Do you still think about your to-do’s, even after setting them […]Continue reading

12 Signs of Self-Sabotage

Self-Sabotage – Are you doing it? What is self-sabotage?   If, you get close to your goals, or even achieve them, and then undo them.   Or, perhaps, you suddenly […]Continue reading

Holding Back – Why We Sabotage Our Goals

Holding Back & Why We Do It Why do we hold back? Essentially, much of it boils down to fear. Fear of not being good enough, fear of failure. Now […]Continue reading

Creating Space – How To Slow Things Down

Slowing down our days and making the most out of them One question often asked is how to slow down, how to counteract the busy-ness, and time passing by too […]Continue reading

Sound and Voice Forensics – 8 Things We Need to Know

The Art of Communication: Are we using our voice enough? The importance of voice is often overlooked. By placing our focus on the words and the body language we use, we […]Continue reading

Creating Change – Does saying ‘I am’ hold you back?

Do words such as ‘I am…’ matter? Creating a change, in ourselves, can sometimes be tricky, and the language we use has an impact. It can help, or it can […]Continue reading

Perfectionism Talk – Top Takeaways

Top takeaways from a recent talk on Perfectionism Having witnessed perfectionism in others, explored where it might impact me, and coached individuals dealing with the real challenges of Perfectionism. This […]Continue reading

Easter Blues – Do I Need To Change My Job?

Do I need to change my job? How have you been feeling about going back to work after the Easter break? Even those that usually enjoy their work can find […]Continue reading

Are We Putting Our Lives On Hold Whilst We Go After Goals?

Dreams, goals, and aspirations When we were younger we used to happily dream. Are we still dreaming? Looking to the future? Creating the life we want? Or have our dreams […]Continue reading

What Do We Mean By ‘It Did Me No Harm’

What is meant by ‘well, it did me no harm’. Often, in the media or in the workplace, certain behaviours or experiences are shared. The more generic ones include bullying, harassment, or […]Continue reading

Projecting – Do We Know When We Do It?

Projecting – what is it about? I was sat in a hospital waiting room, when a gentleman politely asked a grandmother, and mother, to turn down (not off) an extremely […]Continue reading

Friendships – New Ways To Make Them Fun (Again)

Friendships : Creating new ways to make them work What does friendship mean to you? We are all different. So naturally, your expectations will differ to mine. We also have […]Continue reading

Do You Notice Frustration When People Their Share Concerns With You?

Do you notice people get frustrated when sharing their worries with you? Try making this one change and see what difference it makes. Do you want to improve your relationships? […]Continue reading

How To Declutter Memorable Clothing

How To Declutter Memorable Clothing Looking for ways to declutter but keep some memories? Let’s talk about the story of how the bunny came to be… Over the years (in fact […]Continue reading

Decluttering – Three Tips To Make It Happen

Are you ready to get rid of clutter once and for all? Do you want to know what difference it will make, and how to make it easier for you? Yes? […]Continue reading

Eight Signs Of Perfectionism – Five Ways To Make A Change

Perfectionism and Tasks – Are you a perfectionist? What is perfectionism? Are you constantly tweaking, is it never quite good enough, never quite finished? Perhaps you often find yourself angry […]Continue reading

Five Ways To Turn Your Goals Into Success

Goal setting : Five reasons why personal and business goals can fall down, and how to make yours the exception.  Are you setting goals, but find something is missing and then […]Continue reading

Ten Tips To Bring Your Goals To Life

Bringing your goals to life : Find your inner motivation and reach your amazing goal! With it being the New Year, I kept thinking before (and during) the Christmas period […]Continue reading

Positive Mental Health in the Workplace for Boards and Line Managers

Positive Mental Health in the Workplace Over the last few years, indeed over the last twelve months, we have seen a greater willingness to discuss mental health, and an increased […]Continue reading

Taking A Break – How Easy Is It For You?

Taking a break – How easy is it for you? It may be that, like me, you actually don’t find it easy to take a break. When I was a […]Continue reading

Understanding – Are You Listening To Me?

Listening and understanding: How to make a change. There are many detailed articles on how to listen, and communicate, more effectively. Here, I simply want to draw your attention to one […]Continue reading

Assertiveness Is Not A Bad Word (Honest)

Assertiveness is not a rude word… Do you have too many people in your life that you put first? Is it often at the cost of what you want to […]Continue reading

Perfectionism. Not As You Know It.

Have you ever discounted being a perfectionist? Aside from working with perfectionists, I have often read articles on perfectionism, and felt it didn’t apply to me. The articles (or individuals), discuss […]Continue reading

Time To Review, Release, Rewrite Limiting Stories

What stories are you telling yourself. Are they even true? We all tell ourselves stories, a running commentary in our heads. Many of us aren’t even aware of what we are […]Continue reading

Mental Health & Wellbeing in the Workplace

How important do you think mental health wellbeing is in your workplace? Well given the large number of attendees at a recent forum, it seems very! I had an amazing […]Continue reading

Why Self-Awareness Can Suck

Why Self-Awareness Can Suck This might sound strange coming from someone who is an advocate of self-awareness. However, sharing what I struggled with at times, has proved useful for clients to […]Continue reading

3 Reasons We Secretly Love Valentine’s Day

Why Do We Secretly Love Valentine’s Day? There are a zillion articles out there with all the reasons why, whether you are single or in a couple, Valentine’s Day sucks. […]Continue reading

Reading Online Articles – Do You Remember You Are Human?

Do you love reading personal development articles such as these. (10 Unmistakable Habits of Utterly Authentic People). For some, these concepts might be shiny and new. For others, a reminder. […]Continue reading

Coaching or Friendship For Guidance?

Can you get the same support and development from friends and family? It is hard. We all know that talking through an issue can help obtain clarity. Often the simple act […]Continue reading

Power of Authentic

Power of Authentic – What Does It Mean To You? During a twitter chat and the word ‘ authentic ’ came up, a really powerful word, which led to this […]Continue reading

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