The Unstuck Lawyer®

The Unstuck Lawyer®
when one of those days is every day

Helping lawyers fall back in love with their law firms again.

The Unstuck Lawyer®

The Unstuck Lawyer® reflects the ‘stuckness’ that we sometimes find in creating a different future day, week, or life.  The coaching, training, and programmes are designed to save you time, money, and energy in figuring out why things might be on repeat or change is not being sustained.

Time – how much time have you spent thinking, scrolling for articles, reading books, talking, maybe even paying for course, to go about making the changes you want to make.

Money – with that saved time, could you be generating more money directly or indirectly? Again have you spent money on course, books, in an ongoing attempt to create the legal firm or personal change you are seeking.

Energy – all that thinking, worrying, turning things over at night, checking phones, has a toll. Could you use that energy for something else by getting support for what you want to do, be, think, experience differently?

If you have said yes to any of the above, let’s talk it through.

The Unstuck Lawyer® includes:

The Unstuck Lawyer® Coaching for Law Firm Owners & Partners

The Unstuck Lawyer® Coaching for Solicitors & Legal Executives

The Unstuck Lawyer® Training for Partners & Fee Earners

The Unstuck Lawyer® Lifestyle & Life Coaching for Lawyers

& there is more to come in 2023.

As a partner, law firm owner, or senior solicitor/legal executive you can also join The Unstuck Lawyer® Facebook Group. An opportunity to network, share ideas, solutions, and ask questions of like-minded lawyers.

Do you want to get ahead?


Ready to lead a fulfilled and amazing life?


Is your firm helping you to thrive?


Ready for success?

Book your free online coaching session today.



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