Recent Training : Managing People Within the Law

Recent Training : Managing People Within the Law



Managing People Within The Law

Do you want your line managers to tackle poor performance, and misconduct, quickly, efficiently, and with confidence?

Where more serious action is needed, do your line managers know what to do, how to do it, and where their authority starts and ends?

Is too much time being taken up by senior management dealing with situations that could have been dealt with sooner?

This in-house training ensures fee earners, who are line managers, become familiar with your policies and procedures, and that they leave with new skills in handling difficult conversations.

In addition to the known impact it has on a firm, and its managers. Leaving behaviour and conduct issues unchecked, influences the actions of other employees who witness it. By tackling potential problems quickly, it improves motivation, productivity, and retention.

Topics within the training day usually include:

1 – Disciplinary and Capability (Performance) : How to successfully carry out informal and formal discussions.

2 – Discrimination and Harassment :  Key areas of awareness, and typical issues.

3 – Recruitment and Selection : Important areas to consider to hire the best candidate.

4 – Managing Sickness Absence : Including frequent absences and mental ill health conversations.

5 – Grievances : How to manage complaints and conflict situations.

6 – Difficult Conversations : Tips and techniques for managing awkward topics or concerns about behaviour.

The day involves legal, hr, and behavioural skills training. Alongside practical exercises, and interactive discussions, allowing delegates to return to work with greater confidence to tackle challenges and take action.

If you would like to know more, please email [email protected] or submit a contact form.

Looking for additional Leadership Training? Please see here.

Photos from one of the series of training days, taken with permission.


About Simona Hamblet

Simona is a specialist coach & hypnotherapist, working with lawyers for the past six years helping them to create the firms & lives that they want. Simona also has over 20 years of experience as an employment solicitor & partner in a dual-office law firm (focusing on staff development & business growth).

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